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What do you mean it's Sunday?!

Indeed, it is that time of the week again. Lucky for you, I not only have this uber flattering picture of myself after a restful night of beauty sleep, but I also happen to have some update on the tipi.

Saturday arrived, and I woke bright and early with the hopes of finishing the poles by Sunday evening.



With the help of four other folks here on the farm along with one orbital sander, we managed to smooth out about half of the poles.

I'd have happily sanded the whole lot, but the one and only electric sander we have is the sort that uses Velcro to hold the sand paper. By the end of the day, the sanding pad had been worn out to the point that I was unable to stick sand paper to it, so I decided to call it a night and get a replacement head for the sander the next day.

No biggie.

...right. Today rolls around, and after visiting all the hardware suppliers this side of the Mississippi, I finally make it to the Wal-mart of hardware stores. Lo and behold, unlike the other places I had been previously, they had the brand of orbital sander I had. However, they didn't have the part I needed to make said sander worth a damn. To you, hardware store, I say:

Dear Dome Hepot (lest I get sued for slander),

When I was in your store house, seeking out the wares I required for my current project, I couldn't help but notice that, though you sold the same orbital sander I needed a replacement pad for, you didn't even have the damned replacement part for that very sander! What the ducky fuck, Dome Hepot? What do you mean it's "only available online"? Don't you know how much square footage you have to stock relevant shit? I saw a replacement head for a brand that you didn't even carry, but you couldn't supply replacement parts for what you do have? That's like a sandwich shop that doesn't stock bread, or a sex shop without dildos. Which you are to me now. A dildo...but less useful.

Sincerely yours,

You fucking chode.

As I stood there, pathetically eyeing the wall of disappointment, it dawned on me (after at least five employees asked if they could help me find anything) that I was going to have to buy a new sander if I were to finish my poles on time. So that's exactly what I did.

Even better than that, I applied for a stupid Dome Hepot credit card so I could save $25.00 off my purchase. Yeah. That's right. I got suckered twice by Big Brother Box Store.

Hold on, something's missing. By now, I usually insert a picture that relates to what I've written thus far...

That's better.

Anyway, after I got my stupid sander and my stupid credit card, I headed home to finish smoothing down my poles. In the end, even though I was m̶i̶l̶d̶l̶y̶ ̶horribly and catastrophically inconvenienced, I still had a good and productive day overall. Tomorrow (guess who's playing hooky!) I will be sealing the poles, and maybe waterproofing the inner liner of the tipi as well as shopping around for paving gravel. Assuming my trip to the community college doesn't take me too long.

Yes, the girl who was duped by a shitty hardware store is going to school. Shut it.

. . .

PS I'm not apologizing for my ass. 'Do what I want.

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